Superpowers Game Development Series #5
Chapter 6 : Scripting global game behavior
Global datas
The first thing we can add in our scripts is the datas we will use in our game, like the points, the game keys and others datas we will need to keep track of what happen in the game.
// This variable will be used to open a web url in a new window, it is not directly related to the game logic
declare var window;
// A global module
namespace Global {
// points for each objects the pacman can eat
export enum points {
coin = 10,
bigcoin = 50,
fruit = 100,
ghost = 200
// keyboard's keys the player will use in the game
export const keys = {
left: "LEFT",
right: "RIGHT",
up: "UP",
down: "DOWN",
space: "SPACE",
exit: "ESCAPE"
// name of the menu screens
export const menuScreens = {
start: "Start",
levels: "Levels",
end: "End"
// number of coins small and big
export let coins = {
small: 0,
big: 0
// list of all the coins in game, small and big
export let coinsList = {
small: [],
big: []
// starting life
export const lifesMax:number = 3;
// life order indicator for HUD
export const lifesOrder:boolean[][] = [[false, false, false], [true, false, false], [true, true, false]]
// the game behavior
export let game:GameBehavior;
// the game HUD (game information displayed)
export let HUD:Sup.Actor;
// the pacman behavior
export let pacman:PacmanBehavior;
// the ghosts behavior in a list
export let ghosts:GhostBehavior[];
// the fruits behavior in a list
export let fruits:FruitsBehavior[];
// the game time
export let time:string;
// the game score
export let score: number;
// level chosen to play
export let currentLevel:string;
// boolean flag if the game is won or not
export let won:boolean;
// number of frame the game stay blocked before continue
export let freeze: number;
// the current pacman lifes
export let pacmanLifes: number;
// number of coins eaten
export let coinsEatens: number;
// number of ghosts eaten
export let ghostsEaten:number;
// number of fruits eaten
export let fruitsEaten:number;
// fruits status, each position in list is a fruit, if false the fruit is not eaten
export let fruitsEatenByIndex: boolean[] = [false, false, false, false, false];
// fruits positions in the level
export let fruitsRandomPositions:Sup.Math.Vector2[];
// current available fruits positions in the level
export let fruitsAvailablePositions:Sup.Math.Vector2[];
Game behavior
The game behavior is the script which monitoring what is happening in the game behind the gameplay logic of movement and collision, like keeping track of the timer.
Initialize behavior
First we start the class (here we prefer the start method above the awake method because it give time to the other behavior to load).
class GameBehavior extends Sup.Behavior {
// We initialize the tile map
public tileMap: Sup.TileMap;
// We initialize locally the timer variable
private time: number; private second: number; private minute: number;
start() {
// We set the game behavior globally = this;
// We reset the game timer globally and locally
Global.time = "0"; this.time = 0; this.second = 0; this.minute = 0;
// We set the tilemap to the current game level
this.tileMap = Sup.getActor("Level").tileMapRenderer.getTileMap();
// We prepare the level with the function Level.set()
Note : the Level.set() function will be writen in the chapter 8, for now we can comment it to avoid errors.
And then we add different methods we will use to update and display game informations.
update score
A method who receive points to update the score when needed.
// Add the points to the game score
Global.score += points;
// Update the HUD score display
display new score
A method who display the new score won in the current position when a ghost or a fruit is eaten by the player. It take as parameters a position and points.
displayNewScore(position:Sup.Math.Vector3, points:number){
// Create a new actor score
let score = new Sup.Actor("score");
// Add a new component text renderer to the actor with the points as text
new Sup.TextRenderer(score, points.toString());
// Add the font Font to the component text renderer
// Give the current position to the score (+0.5 to adapt to the centered origin)
score.setPosition(position.x+0.5, position.y+0.5, position.z);
// Destroy the actor score after 1 second
Sup.setTimeout(1000, function(){score.destroy();});
update life
A method that update and display the Pacman lifes. How it works is than when the pacman loose one life, the method is called, it compare the life sprite from the HUD with the pattern of boolean flag lifesOrder related to the current life of the Pacman. If the life is true, then the sprite is full, else, the sprite is empty.
// Loop the number of maximum lifes the pacman got (3 times) and give the current value to index
for (let index = 0; index < Global.lifesMax; index++){
// Get the sprite Renderer component from HUD/Lifes/index actor
let sprite = Global.HUD.getChild("Lifes").getChild(index.toString()).spriteRenderer;
// Check the boolean flag from the lifesOrder pattern of the pacman current lifes and current index
if(Global.lifesOrder[Global.pacmanLifes][index] === true){
// If the flag is true, set the sprite animation to full
sprite.setAnimation("full", false);
// If the flag is false, set the sprite animation to empty
sprite.setAnimation("empty", false);
update timer
A method that store the local time globally and display it to the HUD.
// convert minute and second to string and set them to variables
let minute = this.minute.toString(); let second = this.second.toString();
// If the minutes or seconds are inferior to 10, then add a 0 to the string to keep display consistency
if (this.minute < 10){
minute = "0"+minute;
if (this.second < 10){
second = "0"+second;
// Build the complete string for the current time
Global.time = minute+':'+second;
// Display it with the HUD/Timer text renderer
update() game loop
The update loop go 60 frames per second and check the differents flag of the game to see if something happen globally.
update() {
// If the freeze counter is on, decrease it from 1 and return to pass the block and repeat
if(Global.freeze > 0){
// Check if the game is won or not (when the Global.won is not undefined anymore)
if(Global.won === false || Global.won === true){
// Load the menu scene and destroy the game scene
// Call the function that will load the victory or gameover end screen
// Increase the game timer by one
// When the time got 60 frames add 1 second (the game is default set as 60 frames = 1 second)
if(this.time%60 === 0){
// When the second is 60, add 1 minute and reset second to 0
if(this.second%60 === 0){
this.minute++; this.second = 0;
// Call the updateTimer method every second
// Check if the exit key is pressed
// If yes, load the menu scene and destroy the game scene
// Check if there is still coins left, if not, the game is won
if(Global.coins.small === 0 && Global.coins.big === 0){
// Set the won flag to true
Global.won = true;
// Set frames number freeze counter
Global.freeze = 100;
// Check if there is still lifes for pacman, if not, the game is lost
if (Global.pacmanLifes === 0){
// Set the won flag to false
Global.won = false;
Note : the .setEndscreen() method will be writen in the chapter 7 with the menu, for now we can comment it to avoid errors.
We can now start to script the menu logic.
We can download the superpowers project v6 from this chapter here.