Planning the game

We will build three games in one, inspired by :

  • Spacewar (or Spacewar!) is one of the first video game created in 1962, it consist more or less of a simple fight between two ships.

  • Asteroids is a famous arcade shooter released in 1979, it's gameblay involve a ship avoiding and shooting asteroids and aliens ships.

  • Star Castle is a famous arcade shooter released in 1980, this game will be build as a mod example, it imply shooting an Alien ship by first detroying the armor that protect it.

img/asteroids.png img/spacewar.png

Game features

  • One or two player game (the asteroids clone is single player, the spacewar clone is multiplayer).
  • Player ship moving and shooting.
  • Asteroids moving and rotating randomly in the game space.
  • Alien ship shooting to the player.
  • Score system, asteroids, alien or ship give points.
  • Simple HUD, timer, score and life of the player(s).
  • Simple Game Menu.
  • Game over screen and show the player (s) score.
  • Point and explosion appear where the Actor is destroyed.
  • Infinite scrolling background.
  • Complete collision system between actors (ships, missiles, asteroids, alien).
  • An easy way to reuse the game objects and build new mods.

Gameplay manual

We navigate in the menu with the mouse.

  • Ship 1 Control the ship 1 with the keyboard arrow, UP to go forward, LEFT to rotate left, RIGHT to rotate right We can also use booster with the key SHIFT To shoot, the key is CONTROL

  • Ship 2 For the ship 2, forward is W, left is A, right is D, booster is C and shooting is ESPACE

  • Game options We can leave the game at any moment by pressing Escape and return in the menu. We can also restart the game with the key R.

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