Writing Ship and Missile behavior

Initialize ship whit Game.start

Before to write the ship behavior, we need to write when the ship appear in the game (spawn). We do that in the Game.start function of the global script.

We check first what game have been chosen from Menu in nameIndex variable and set the game accordingly.

namespace Game{
  export function start(){
    // If the game is Asteroids, load the Ship 1 only
    if (nameIndex === 0) {
      // Set ship 1 in game
      // Set visible false the HUD display for ship 2
      // Set visible true the HUD display for alien
      // Set Timer HUD visible false
    // If the game is Spacewar, load two ships
    if (nameIndex === 1) {
      // Set ship 1 in game
      // Set ship 2 in game
      // Set visible true the HUD display for ship 2
      // Set visible false the HUD display for alien
      // Set Timer HUD visible false

It won't work yet because we need the setShip local function which is used to load the Ship actor in the game.

the setShip function

We write a new function setShip which is not exported because we will use it only from the local module Game.

namespace Game{
  function setShip(shipIndex:number){
    // Initialize a new variable of type Sup.Actor
    let Ship: Sup.Actor;
    // Add the ship 1 or 2 to game scene depending the index
    if (shipIndex === 0) {
      // Create Ship and set the ship variable with the Ship1 actor
      Ship = Sup.appendScene("Ship/0/Prefab")[0];
    else {
      // Create Ship and set the ship variable with the Ship2 actor
      Ship = Sup.appendScene("Ship/1/Prefab")[0];
    // Set behavior variables
    Ship.getBehavior(ShipBehavior).index = shipIndex;
    // Set spawn position of the ship accordingly to the game an ship index
    // If game is Asteroids, set position to center
    if (nameIndex === 0) {
    // If game is Spacewar and Ship is 1, set position to corner down left
    else if (shipIndex === 0) {
    // Else it is Ship 2, set position to corner up right
    else {

To test this code we also need to add index:number; in the ShipBehavior class of the Ship script.

We don't have menu yet to choose game, we still can do test by changing temporarily the nameIndex variable.

If we want to try the Asteroids game :

  export let nameIndex: number = 0; // Temporary allocation

If we want to try the Spacewar game :

  export let nameIndex: number = 0; // Temporary allocation

the shipBehavior class

ship datas

We open the Ship script and first initialize the ship local datas we will use in our code.

class ShipBehavior extends Sup.Behavior {
  // Ship index, 0 is ship 1, 1 is ship 2
  index: number;
  // Ship radius collision
  amplitude: number;
  // Ship current life
  lifes: number;
  // Ship status
  alive: boolean;
  // Ship current score
  score: number;
  // Spawn position
  spawnPosition: Sup.Math.Vector2;
  // Current position
  position: Sup.Math.Vector2;
  // Current movement speed
  linearVelocity = new Sup.Math.Vector2();
  // Current rotation speed
  angularVelocity: number;
  // Angle position
  angle: number;
  // Timer before shooting
  shootCooldown: number;
  // Timer before respawn
  spawnCooldown: number;
  // Timer before vulnerability
  invincibilityCooldown: number;
  // Timer before gameover
  gameOverCooldown: number;
  awake() {
  update() {
ship awakening

When the ship awake, we need to set some variables.

  awake() {
    // Starting life to 3
    this.lifes = Ships.startLife;
    // Set true to alive status
    this.alive = true;
    // Starting score to 0
    this.score = Ships.startScore;
    // Starting speed movement on x and y axis to 0
    this.linearVelocity.set(0, 0);
    // Starting speed rotation to 0
    this.angularVelocity = 0;
ship starting

Then when the actor is loaded, we can get its parameters and set the local variables of the behavior.

  start() {
    // Set the ship default size to half size;
    // Set the ship default amplitude related to size
    this.amplitude = Ships.amplitude;
    // Get the starting position to become the spawnPosition of this behavior
    this.spawnPosition =;
    // Get the starting position to become the current position of this behavior
    this.position =;
    // Get the starting angle to become the current angle of this behavior
    this.angle =;
ship death

We define a method for the death of the player ship.

Note : Sup.setTimeout is used to have a delay before to jump to the gameOver menu screen.

  die() {
    // Decrease life of one
    // Set false to alive status
    this.alive = false;
    // Flag to check and update the life HUD
    Game.checkLifeHUD = true;
    // If life is 0, then the game is over
    if (this.lifes === 0) {
      // If this is the Asteroids game, death of ship mean victory for Alien
      if(Game.nameIndex === 0) {
        Sup.setTimeout(1000, function () { Game.gameOver("alien") });
      else {
        // If this is Spacewar game and death of ship 1 mean victory for ship 2
        if (this.index === 0){
          Sup.setTimeout(1000, function () { Game.gameOver("ship2") });
        // Else, this is ship 2 and it is a victory for ship 1
        else {
          Sup.setTimeout(1000, function () { Game.gameOver("ship1") });
    // Check which ship index to see which lose points
    if (this.index === 0) {
      Game.addPoints(true, Game.points.death);
    else {
      Game.addPoints(false, Game.points.death); 
    // Flag to check and update the score HUD
    Game.checkScoreHUD = true;
    // Set timer before respawn
    this.spawnCooldown = Ships.respawnTimer;    
    // Set ship model visibility to false'Model').setVisible(false);
    // Set ship boosts visibility to false'Boost').setVisible(false);
    // Set sprite animation explosition to play once'Destruction').spriteRenderer.setAnimation("explode", false);
    // Reset speed movement on x and y axis to 0
    this.linearVelocity.set(0, 0);
    // Reset angular movement to 0
    this.angularVelocity = 0;
    // Reset angle to default for ship 1 or ship 2
    if (this.index === 0){
      this.angle = 1.6;
      this.angle = -1.6;

We don't forget to comment the Game.addPoints calls to do tests later without bug.

ship respawn
  spawn() {
    // The ship respawn to spawn position
    this.position = this.spawnPosition.clone();
    // Set the new current position to the Ship actor;
    // Set the new angle to the Ship actor;
    // The ship model visibility to true'Model').setVisible(true);
    // Set timer for invincibility
    this.invincibilityCooldown = Ships.invincibleTimer;
ship shooting
shoot() {
    // Initialize a new missile
    let missile: Sup.Actor;
    // If the ship is ship 1 then create a Ship 1 missile and set the variable missile to the Missile actor
    if (this.index === 0) {
      missile = Sup.appendScene("Ship/0/Missile/Prefab")[0];
    // Else do the same but for the missile of ship 2
    else {
      missile = Sup.appendScene("Ship/1/Missile/Prefab")[0];
    // Set position of the actor to the current position of the ship
    // Set local variables of the missile behavior
    // Report the position of the ship to the variable position of the behavior
    missile.getBehavior(ShipMissileBehavior).position = this.position.clone();
    // Report the angle of the ship to the angle direction of the missile
    missile.getBehavior(ShipMissileBehavior).angle = this.angle;
    // Set the shipIndex related to this missile
    missile.getBehavior(ShipMissileBehavior).shipIndex = this.index;
    // Set Shooting timer to be able to shoot again
    this.shootCooldown = Ships.shootingTimer;

To make it work, we will need to set the local variable of the Missile behavior in Ship/Missile script.

class ShipMissileBehavior extends Sup.Behavior {
  shipIndex: number;
  position: Sup.Math.Vector2;
  angle: number;
ship boost

We add a little sprite game when the ship is moving or rotating with this two methods.

  boost(intensity: string) {
    // Create a new variable boost that get the Boost actor child of Ship actor
    let boost:Sup.Actor ="Boost");
    // Set the boost actor visible true
    // Set animation to both sprite with the intensity normal or fast

  rotateBoost(direction: string) {
    // Create a new variable boost that get the Boost actor child of Ship actor
    let boost:Sup.Actor ="Boost");
    // Set the boost actor visible true
    // If rotate on the left direction
    if(direction === "left"){
      // Switch animation for right boost stronger
    // If rotate on the right direction
    if(direction === "right"){
      // Switch animation for left boost stronger
ship process

Now we have all our methods ready, we can write the whole process of the player ship.

  • Keep respawning, will keep looping and decrease spawn timer
  • Keep shooting, call the shoot method when shoot key pressed
  • Keep moving, move the ship when key pressed
  • Keep rotating, rotate the ship when key pressed
  • Keep slowing down, slow down the acceleration of linear and angular velocities
  • Stay on the game screen, same as asteroids and alien ship
  • Update position and angle, report behavior change to the Actor
  • Blinking, to display ship invincibility, it is placed after the moving, rotating blocks of code but will return before the collisions because as long at it will blink, the ship won't be able to take damages but is still maneuverable.
  update() {
    // Keep respawning
    // If the spawnCooldown timer is more than 0
    if (this.spawnCooldown > 0) {
      // Decrease by one the timer
      // If the spawnCooldown is 0
      if (this.spawnCooldown === 0) {
        // Call the spawn method
      //restart update loop to skip the following code

    // Keep shooting
    // If the shootCooldown timer is more than 0
    if (this.shootCooldown > 0) {
      // Decrease by one the timer
    // If the timer is 0 (!0 = true)
    if (!this.shootCooldown) {
      // If the shoot key is pressed
        // Call the shoot method

    // Keep moving
    // If forward key is pressed down
    if (Sup.Input.isKeyDown(Ships.commands[this.index].forward)){
      // Set the impulse with the linearAcceleration
      let impulse = new Sup.Math.Vector2(Ships.linearAcceleration, 0);
      // Convert the impulse to the current angle
      // Add the impulse to the linearVelocity
        // Call the boost method with a normal intensity
        // If the boost key is pressed down
        if (Sup.Input.isKeyDown(Ships.commands[this.index].boost)) {
          // Add a second time the impulse to the linearVelocity
        // Call the boost method with a fast intensity
    else {
      // Set visible false booster if not going forward"Boost").setVisible(false);

    // Keep rotating
    // If left key is pressed down
    if (Sup.Input.isKeyDown(Ships.commands[this.index].left)){
      // The angularVelocity get the angularAcceleration
      this.angularVelocity += Ships.angularAcceleration;
      // Boost sprite for left side

    // If right key is pressed down
    if (Sup.Input.isKeyDown(Ships.commands[this.index].right)){
      // The angularVelocity get the opposite angularAcceleration
      this.angularVelocity -= Ships.angularAcceleration;
      // Boost sprite for left side

    // Set boost to default if key left, right and forward are NOT pressed
    if (!Sup.Input.isKeyDown(Ships.commands[this.index].left) && 
        !Sup.Input.isKeyDown(Ships.commands[this.index].right) && 

    // Keep slowing down
    // The linearVelocity multiply the linearDamping
    // The angularVelocity multiply the angularDamping
    this.angularVelocity *= Ships.angularDamping;

    // Stay on the game screen
    if (this.position.x > Game.bounds.width / 2) {
      this.position.x = -Game.bounds.width / 2;

    if (this.position.x < -Game.bounds.width / 2) {
      this.position.x = Game.bounds.width / 2;

    if (this.position.y > Game.bounds.height / 2) {
      this.position.y = -Game.bounds.height / 2;

    if (this.position.y < -Game.bounds.height / 2) {
      this.position.y = Game.bounds.height / 2;

    // Update position and angle
    // Add the linearVelocity to the current position
    // Set the new current position to the Ship actor;
    // Add the angularVelocity to the current angle
    this.angle += this.angularVelocity;
    // Set the new angle to the Ship actor;

    // Blinking
    // If the invincibilityCooldown Timer is more than 0
    if (this.invincibilityCooldown > 0) {
      // Decrease by one the timer
      // Set actor visible become true every half second, false the other half and stay visible at the end % 60 < 30);
      // When invincibilityCooldown reach 1, get back vulnerability
      if (this.invincibilityCooldown === 1) {
        // Set true to alive status
        this.alive = true;  
      // Restart update loop to skip the collision code

    // Collision code will come here, we remove this block when ch8 start
    if (Sup.Input.wasKeyJustPressed("X")){
      this.die(); // Temporary debug test for ship death, press keyboard X to kill the ship

We now have our player ship under control, moving, rotating, slowing down, shooting (but the missile don't have behavior).

We need now to give some behavior to the missiles.

Ship missiles

class ShipMissileBehavior extends Sup.Behavior {
  // shipIndex owner of this missile actor
  shipIndex: number;
  // Current position
  position: Sup.Math.Vector2;
  // Current movement velocity
  velocity: Sup.Math.Vector2;
  // Missile trajectory angle
  angle: number;
  // Timer before death
  lifeTime: number;
start and onDestroy methods

When a missile born we add it to the global list of missiles that we will use to check collisions, when the missile die we remove it from the list.

  start() {
    this.velocity = new Sup.Math.Vector2(Ships.missileSpeed, 0);
    this.lifeTime = Ships.missileLife;
    // Sup.log("Missile created.")
    // Sup.log(Ships.missiles);
    // Remove the current actor from the Global list from the shipIndex owner
    Ships.missiles[this.shipIndex].splice(Ships.missiles[this.shipIndex].indexOf(, 1);
missile process

Missile behavior is very simple, the missile born, move in one direction for a certain amount of time and then die.

  update() {
    // Keep moving

    // If the timer is superior to 0, decrease by one
    if (this.lifeTime > 0) {
      // If the timer reach 10 frame before death, play the explode animation once
      if (this.lifeTime === 10) {"Sprite").spriteRenderer.setAnimation("explode", false);
    // Once the lifeTime timer reach 0, destroy the Actor
    else {;

Before to be able to execute this code we need to create a new missile list when the game Start in the module Game of the Global script.

  export function start(){
    // Set new Ships.missiles list
    Ships.missiles = [[], []];

Alien missiles

class AlienMissileBehavior extends Sup.Behavior {
  // Current position
  position: Sup.Math.Vector2;
  // Current velocity
  velocity: Sup.Math.Vector2;
  // Target position
  target: Sup.Math.Vector2;
start and onDestroy methods

Like for the player ship missile, as missile born we add it to the global list of missiles that we will use to check collisions, when the missile die we remove it from the list.

  start() {
    // Set current position from the actor position
    this.position =;
    // Get player ship position to define as target for this missile = Sup.getActor("Ship1").getLocalPosition().toVector2();
    // Get angle trajectory between this actor position and the target position
    this.angle = this.position.angleTo(;
    // Create velocity with the Alien.missileSpeed value
    this.velocity = new Sup.Math.Vector2(Alien.missileSpeed, 0);
    // Convert velocity with the angle trajectory
    // Add the current actor the Alien.missiles list
  onDestroy() {
    // Remove this actor from the Alien.missiles list
    Alien.missiles.splice(Alien.missiles.indexOf(, 1);
missile process

The Alien ship missile is a bit different of the Player ship missile for using a target position (the player ship) to define the angle of trajectory. The missile reach this target position and explode.

  update() {
    // While the missile has no reached the target position, keep moving
    // Add current velocity to current position
    // Update current position to missile actor;
    // Get the distance between current position and target position
    let distance =;
    // When the distance to target is nearly reached, the missile explode
    if (distance < 0.5) {"Sprite").spriteRenderer.setAnimation("explode", false);
      // When the distance is close to 0, the missile actor is destroyed
      if (distance < 0.1) {;

Before to be able to execute this code we need to create a new missile list when the game Start in the module Game of the Global script.

  export function start(){
    // Set new Alien.missiles list
    Alien.missiles = [];

Good, we have now everything we need in place to start an important game mechanic, the collision system, we will see that in the next chapter.

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